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Our Vision & Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


Our Vision


"Growing and Learning Together"


Westwood Primary School is a welcoming and exciting place where children and adults enjoy learning and work hard to realise their potential.  We aim for all children to achieve well, to be happy and to make lifelong memories.  


In addition, we aim to embed our core values of Courage, Ambition, Respect, Honesty, Inclusivity and Resilience in each of our children and take the time to explore what these, and the core British Values mean to the children. 


They will do all of this in a safe, loving environment that is focused on the whole child.


Our Values

We are:



 “We are brave and take on challenges, knowing that mistakes help our learning.”



”We always want to be the best we can be.”



“We look after people, property and ourselves.”



“We always tell the truth, even when it is hard.”



“We value every member of our school community and their opinions and feelings”



“We keep trying and never give up.”



Our Core School Rules








