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The Academy has now determined the admissions policy for entry into the academic years 2025-2026 and 2024-2025 

The Admissions Policy can be viewed below:-

The administration and management of admission arrangements to Cambridgeshire schools is dealt with by Cambridgeshire County Council.  The reception admissions policy and criteria for each school, together with an application form, are available from the county council admissions team and must be returned to the school Admission Team. Find a link to the web page below.


Admissions Criteria 


The Academy will comply with the Department for Education's School Admissions Code of Practice, the School Admission Appeals Code of Practice and the law relating to admissions.


The Academy will participate in the co-ordinated admissions arrangements for reception and In year entry which will be administered Cambridgeshire County Council ("the LA").


The Over-subscription Criteria 


When the Academy is oversubscribed, after the admission of Children with Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where the Academy is named, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below:


1. A 'looked after child' or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order.

2. Children for whom it is essential to be admitted to the Academy because of special circumstances to do with significant medical or social needs, which relate to the child or an immediate member of the child's family.

3. Children who, on the date of application, have a sibling who is living with them at the same address and on roll of the Academy.

4. Children of staff, where the member of staff has been employed by the Academy for 2 or more years at the time of application.

5. Children living nearest the Academy within the catchment area (please see full Admissions policy).

6. Children living nearest the Academy outside the catchment area.  Distance will be calculated using a straight line (as the crow flies) measurement from the reference point of the child's home address to the reference point of the Academy.


Joining the School


Starting school is a very exciting and daunting time for you and your child.  We, as a school, will work with parents individually to ensure it is both positive and rewarding.


Pupils are admitted to Westwood Primary in the September of the academic year in which they are 5. During the previous summer term, visits take place to support children to become familiar with the routines and environment of the school.


In September, the children begin on a part-time basis and school staff conduct home/school visits to develop a greater understanding of individual children in their familiar surroundings.  From the third week of the autumn term, children who are ready will be attending school full-time.



If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 