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Consulting with Parents and Pupils

At Westwood Primary School, we value the importance of building positive relationships with the families within our school community. Where a child is identified as needing additional SEN Support, parents and carers are given the opportunity to be part of the assessment and review process. 


We will have an early discussion with the pupil and their parents when identifying whether the child needs special educational provision. These conversations will make sure that:


  • everyone develops a good understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty;
  • we take into account the parents’ and carers’ concerns;
  • everyone understands the agreed outcomes sought for the child;
  • everyone is clear on what the next steps are.


We will provide:


  • acknowledgement that parents and carers know their child best;
  • a listening ear with mutual respect, courtesy and confidentiality;
  • liaison meetings between parents and carers, the class teacher and the SEN and Inclusion Team.

We offer:

  • information about how parents and carers can support their child at home;
  • termly parent consultations
  • Assess, Plan, Do Reviews and Pupil Passport reviews, where parent and child views are sought;
  • an open door policy, to ensure ease of communication between home and school;
  • annual reports;
  • information events.