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Ensuring equality of access to activities

At Westwood, we ensure that all children have equality of access to our School Curriculum offering as well as the National Curriculum. We promote the value of pupil participation across the full range of curriculum experiences and ensure that all pupils are able to access all activities, regardless of their individual needs.


  • All of our extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all of our pupils, including our before and after school clubs.
  • All pupils are encouraged to enjoy the residential visits and other educational visits that we offer.
  • All pupils are encouraged to take part in sports days, school plays and other special workshops.
  • No pupil is ever excluded from taking part in any activity because of a special educational need or disability.
  • We are committed to the provision of reasonable adjustments to ensure participation for all.
  • Any activity specific additional support or necessary adjustments will be recorded on your child’s risk assessment – if one is required.


Please contact the school directly if your child has any specific requirements for extra-curricular activities or if you have any specific concerns regarding your child’s access to an activity that has been offered.
