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Supporting children with transitions

At Westwood, we support children as they take each step along their individual learning journeys.


Supporting Pupils New to Westwood Primary School


Before a pupil starts school, Foundation Stage staff meet with parents and carers.  To further support the transition of our Foundation intake, we offer home-visits.  We host in school transition events and warmly encourage parents and carers to attend. Concerns about particular needs will be brought to the attention of the SENCO. Where necessary, the SENCO will arrange a further meeting with parents and carers, the previous setting and any other persons that either home or school feel appropriate.


Class teachers of children joining Westwood from other schools will receive information from the previous setting; if required, the SENCO will contact the previous setting to discuss a pupil’s needs.  A member of the Inclusion Team will meet parents and carers of pupils joining mid-year.  This meeting gives parents and carers the opportunity to discuss any on-going concerns and ensures that the school is aware of any issues that may impact upon learning.


Supporting Pupils as they Prepare for their Next Steps


Transition is a part of life for all learners, whether that involves moving to a new class or moving to a new school. We recognise that transition is an important time for all children, but especially so for a child with SEN. Consequently, we work closely with parents and carers, pupils and staff to ensure these transitions run as smoothly as possible.


We liaise with local secondary schools and offer additional meetings, visits and preparation for children who may find transition more difficult.  In school transitions are supported by ‘Jump-Up Days’ and further tailored support as necessary.  If a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, a member of the Westwood staff team will accompany the child on any visits – including jump up days.
