- Plain white or blue polo shirt or plain white shirt with collar
- Plain or branded, navy blue jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan
- Grey or black trousers, skirt or knee-length shorts or blue gingham summer dress
- Plain black shoes or trainers (velcro for younger children if possible) - no heels or flip-flops
Indoor PE
Plain white T-shirt
Navy blue or black shorts
Black plimsolls or trainers
Hairband for hair (if long)
Outdoor PE
Plain white T-shirt
Navy blue or black shorts
Tracksuit top and bottoms (for cold weather)
Change of socks
Change of trainers (suitable for outdoor wear in all conditions)
Hairband for hair (if long)
Swimming trunks (not Bermudas/boarders) or swimming costume (no bikinis)
Swimming hat (optional)
All clothing worn in school should be marked with the child's name!
School uniform bearing the Westwood logo can be purchased by visiting the web site Total Clothing Shop. We no longer stock any school uniform on the school premises.
Parents can of course purchase items from other outlets so long as the school colours are adhered to and the clothing is plain, without logos or other designs.
Second-hand uniform
Westwood organise uniform swop events to provide free items of second hand school uniform to families who may require these. As well as uniforms, these events also offer second hand PE kits, shoes and coats if required. All parents and carers are notified of these events. At any other times, parents needing help to obtain uniform are requested to contact our school office for information.
PE Kit
P.E. items are best kept in a drawstring bag with the child’s name on the outside. P.E. kit should be brought into school every Monday morning and taken home for washing every Friday afternoon.
We strongly recommend that jewellery is not worn at all in school. Items can be lost, broken or indeed cause injury to the wearer. Only watches and stud earrings are permitted. We ask that earrings are removed during P.E. Smart Watches should be avoided due to their expense if lost but if they must be worn, need to be handed to the school office (as per our Mobile Phone policy).
As parents ourselves, we completely understand how children wish to keep up with fashions and trends but hope that anything that is too distracting can wait until school holidays (especially the long summer break) where children are not working together in an class-based environment. Whilst we are happy to celebrate everyone’s individuality and choice, as we hope you’ll understand and appreciate, we do want children to represent not only their families but also their school. We also ask for long hair to be tied up if possible - this can help reduce the spread of head-lice.
Make-up is not to be worn in any circumstances.