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End of KS2 Statutory Standard Assessment Tests (SATS)

Year 6 KS2 SATs week commences on Monday 13th May 2024.  During this week, children in Year 6 across the country will sit statutory tests in English and Maths.  A timetable for these is set out below:


  • Monday 13th May 2024: Spelling, punctuation and grammar (Grammar/Punctuation Test) – 45 minutes
  • Monday 13th May 2024: Spelling, punctuation and grammar (Spelling Test) – 20 minutes


  • Tuesday 14th May 2024: Reading Test – 60 minutes


  • Wednesday 15th May 2024: Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic) – 30 minutes
  • Wednesday 15th May 2024: Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning) – 40 minutes


  • Thursday 16th May 2024: Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning) – 40 minutes


Results of these tests are not released until the end of the summer term as these tests are marked externally. Once results have been returned to the school, parents are given a report that shows their child's attainment in each test.  Scores are scaled to allow comparison with all other children across the country who took the same test.  A scaled score of 100 is needed to indicate your child is at the expected standard for the end of KS2.  You will receive your child's result before the end of the school year.

Further support information will be made available nearer the time.  
