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Supporting emotional and social development

At Westwood Primary School, all staff work together to support the social and emotional development of all children, including those with SEN. Staff are available to both support and to listen to views of all children. The school takes pride in its ability to safeguard each child’s well-being and ensures that values such as respect, equality, fairness and kindness are evidenced and promoted consistently.


The Inclusion Team plays an important role in the support of each child’s emotional and social development. They work with individual children and their families to support them as they address social and emotional issues. The School will request support from outside agencies to benefit the child.


Our wrap around PSHE curriculum supports the social and emotional development of the majority of children in our care; however, for those children who find aspects of this difficult, we offer:


  • Snug provision: a nurturing environment focussing on the improvement of emotional and social development; o Social awareness games and activities;
  • Lunch and play time support groups; o A walking bus and breakfast club to support transitions for targeted pupils;
  • Lego, sand and art therapy sessions;
  • Access to our in school sensory room;
  • Sensory circuits; o Individualised programmes of work;
  • Access to external agencies and professionals;
  • Regular check ins with staff trained in how to support pupils’ mental health.


The school applies a behaviour policy with clear rewards and sanctions. The approach is consistent within each class and high expectations of behaviour and conduct are maintained at all times.  This has been produced in consultation with children, staff and other key stakeholders.
